
Adult Cources

Beginner Courses

Our beginner courses cover the following core areas:

  • Arabic alphabet and proper pronunciation of each letter
  • Vowels
  • How letters are joined to form words
  • Basic Tajweed rules

Students then progress to intermediate and advanced Tajweed rules and word formation. Once these are mastered, all students move on to Quran lessons. During these lessons, they listen to the tutor’s recitation sentence by sentence and repeat the verses back. This method helps students see how Tajweed rules are applied in each verse and learn the correct pronunciation.

Intermediate Courses

Intermediate courses are designed for those who wish to reinforce their prior knowledge. During a trial lesson, tutors assess each student’s requirements and recommend the best route to achieve their desired goals. These courses focus on several key areas:

  1. Enhanced Tajweed Rules: Students delve deeper into the rules of Tajweed, improving their recitation and pronunciation of the Quranic text.
  2. Advanced Word Formation: Building on basic knowledge, students learn more complex aspects of word formation and sentence structure in Arabic.
  3. Listening and Recitation Practice: Emphasis is placed on listening to Quranic recitations and practicing reciting them with proper Tajweed.
  4. Grammar and Vocabulary Expansion: Students expand their understanding of Arabic grammar and vocabulary, allowing them to comprehend and interpret the Quran more effectively.
  5. Interactive Learning: Group discussions, peer review sessions, and interactive exercises help reinforce learning and ensure students can apply what they have learned.
  6. Regular Assessments: Frequent quizzes and assessments to monitor progress and identify areas where students need additional support.

Advanced Courses

Advanced courses are conducted by Hafiz tutors and are intended for anyone wishing to memorize the Holy Quran, learn Quran translation, or study Tafsir. These courses cater to students who have a strong foundation in the basics and intermediate aspects of Quranic studies and are ready to delve deeper into the intricacies of the Holy Quran.

  1. Quran Memorization (Hifz)
  2. Quran Translation
  3. Tafsir (Quranic Exegesis)
  4. In-depth Study of Quranic Sciences
  5. Regular Evaluations and Feedback